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Making Morning Routines

Making Morning Routines


I consider myself a pretty flexible person. One who doesn't need or want an agenda for most things. One who likes an open calendar for last minute adventures. But, I need some serious structure to my mornings so I can focus and be prepared for each day. I wake up an hour earlier than my kids, even on the weekends. I find appreciation and gratitude for the small things… a coffee date with my cousin, beautiful weather for my run, no bridge traffic on my way to work. It’s always the small things in life that really matter. Appreciate it all. Doing this changes your response to things to be more positive. I write down the things that I must accomplish today, not the things I want to accomplish. I schedule the time to complete those things. I then look at the things I want to accomplish in the next few days and pick a couple. I start working on what needs to be accomplished immediately. Knowing that I have a start on something before the kids are even awake that needs to be finished that day is a weight lifted off my shoulders. I’m productive until my kids wake up.

First thing in the morning, I am most alert, most creative, and have the most energy. I do not spend this hour doing mindless tasks like laundry or emptying the dishwasher. I also don’t spend that time getting ready for the day. I do empty the dishwasher and start a load of laundry and get ready each morning, but that is all done after the kids are up and the busyness of the day has started. The kids help with these tasks and we chat or sing while we work.

Start your morning off right and the rest of your day follows in the path you started that morning.